A funded postdoctoral position studying mammalian morphogenesis is available in the Bush lab at UCSF (bush.ucsf.edu). Our dynamic and supportive team focuses on understanding basic mechanisms of signaling control of mammalian morphogenesis and how this control is disrupted in structural anomalies in humans.
We are very open to new ideas, but existing possible projects include understanding signaling control of mesenchymal cell movements during craniofacial development, and understanding the control of tracheal separation from the foregut primordia. These projects provide the opportunity to employ a combination of any of the following cutting-edge technologies: 1) Ex-vivo confocal live imaging of mammalian morphogenesis 2) iGONAD electroporation-based CRISPR/Cas9 approaches for the rapid generation of new mouse models 3) multi-seq multiomic next generation sequencing technologies.
The lab is a part of the collaborative Department of Cell and Tissue Biology, Program in Craniofacial Biology, and Institute of Human Genetics, and located at the UCSF Parnassus Heights campus in the center of San Francisco. UCSF offers an outstanding developmental biology community, access to cutting edge technologies and a supportive working environment. Competitive salaries above NIH-scale are available to help offset cost of living in San Francisco.
Candidates with a Ph.D. degree in a biological science and research experience in developmental, cell, or molecular biology, genetics, biochemistry, should submit a C.V. and names of at least 2 references via email to: [email protected]